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The 4 Benefits of Dental Implants

June 20, 2024

Dental implants are today's gold standard for tooth replacement. They have many advantages over bridges and partial dentures when considering oral health and appearance. Dental implants are special in that they replace both the root and crown, improving oral health. This blog will detail the four top benefits of dental implants and explain the process of receiving them.

Benefits You Will Enjoy

  • Natural Appearance: Your dentist will match your implants precisely to the shape and color of your natural teeth for a complete, beautiful smile.
  • Restore Chewing and Speaking Functions: Chewing your favorite foods can be challenging when you have missing or damaged teeth. You can eat chewy or crunchy foods without issues with a new dental implant. In addition, missing teeth can cause unclear speech. Completing your smile will make your speech more straightforward to understand.
  • Easy Care: A single-tooth dental implant requires the same care as a healthy natural tooth. Brush and floss conscientiously and keep all dental appointments.
  • Protect Oral Health: A missing tooth has a damaging effect on your oral health. Not only will your other teeth become misaligned, but food and plaque will collect in the empty socket and raise your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Types of Dental Implants

Single-Tooth Implants

One implant replaces one complete tooth, from the root to the crown.

Implant-Supported Bridges

An implant-supported bridge works similarly to a standard bridge, except it attaches to dental implants rather than crowned natural teeth. The artificial teeth or pontics sit firmly between the implants.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Your dentist can place full-arch dentures on a few implant anchors. Implant-supported dentures do not slip, click, or damage the jaw. They do not cover the palate, making them much more comfortable to wear and easy to care for.

The Dental Implant Process

Many patients feel uneasy about the implant process, but it is much more straightforward than they believe. For a single-tooth implant, the process is as follows:

Step 1: Consultation

Dr. Arnold will evaluate your missing or damaged tooth and tell you whether an implant is your best choice. She will also take extensive digital images of your oral anatomy and plan the surgery precisely. Zygoma is a 3D digital planning software package that helps the doctor determine whether the patient's jawbone can support the final restoration and find ideal placements for the anchors.

If you do not have sufficient jawbone mass for an implant, you may need to see an oral surgeon for a bone graft procedure. The surgery site must heal and produce healthy bone before anchor placement.

Step 2: Anchor Placement

Dr. Arnold uses special tools to place a small titanium post in the jawbone. The post bonds with the jawbone in osseointegration, creating a rock-solid base for the dental implant. The surgery site heals for a few months before the next step.

Step 3: Abutment Placement

Your dentist will place a stainless steel abutment atop the anchor, which will serve as a place to attach the final crown.

Step 4: Final Restoration

After the abutment heals, you will be ready to receive your final restoration. Your dentist torques the crown down on the abutment, creating a firm bond. Your new implants will heal, and you can add your favorite foods to your diet as they become less sensitive.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

What happens if I lose a tooth and do not have it replaced?

You will suffer damaged oral health if you do not replace a missing tooth. Your other teeth will drift out of position, causing crowding. Since crowded teeth are more challenging to brush and floss, you may encounter more problems with tooth decay and gum disease.

You may also encounter the opposite problem, where plaque and food debris become caught in the empty sockets, providing a breeding ground for bacteria that leads to oral disease.

Does dental implant surgery hurt?

During the surgery, you will have enough local anesthesia that you will not feel pain. Many patients opt for sedation during dental implant surgery, especially if they are having more than one implant placed.

Call Dr. Kim Arnold Family Dentistry

Dr. Arnold can place dental implants to help you regain your natural smile and protect your oral health. Please call our Russell, KY office at (606) 836-6022 to schedule your consultation today.

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Dr. Kim Arnold Family Dentistry
850 Diederich Blvd.
Russell, KY 41169
Fax: (606) 836-0582
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Dr. Kim Arnold Family Dentistry
850 Diederich Blvd.
Russell, KY 41169